Research Capsule: State of the Science of Pretrial Assessment
Article: State of the Science of Pretrial Assessment (pdf) March, 2011
Author / Publication: Cynthia A. Mamalian, PhD — Bureau of Justice Assistance
Summary: “The most important decision that is made with respect to a newly arrested defendant is whether to release that defendant into the community while awaiting trial; getting that decision right is critically important for both the defendant and the community at-large.” This report offers a comprehensive overview of recent research into fair and effective practices in pretrial release decision-making. It recognizes the practicalities of pretrial release decisions, and offers templates that have proven their effectiveness in releasing appropriate defendants while they await trial.

- Quality data is critically important for making and evaluating sound pretrial release decisions.
- Objective risk assessment tools offer better and more consistent outcomes than subjective tools.
- “Court culture” — judicial attitudes — toward pretrial release significantly alters practices, regardless of assessment tool.