We’re Thankful for our Pro Bono Partners
In the run up to #GivingTuesday, we’ll be sharing some thoughts from our staff and pro bono partners about working with Chicago Appleseed. For today, here are some highlights from our Spring Event video: Chicago Appleseed Stories from Our Partners.
- I do pro bono work for a lot of different organizations. I turn to [Chicago Appleseed] when there is something on a broad basis that needs a solution. . . .To get a result where policy is changed, where the way people are treated is changed is just very satisfying. —Larry Wojic
- [Chicago Appleseed] are able to move mountains without a lot of resources. When I give money to Chicago Appleseed, I know it is going to solve a problem. —Larry Wojic
- Putting into place a reform that you immediately observe has broad-reaching effects for many many people who otherwise are completely unrepresented in our system is really what [Chicago Appleseed] is all about. —Steve Art
- One of the things I love about working with [Chicago Appleseed] is that they understand the system so well—and all of the different players in that system so well—that they know right off the bat “what is the best strategy”. —Anne Geraghty Helms
- What I would like people to know about Chicago Appleseed is that quietly they are playing an incredibly important role in making our justice system more fair. —Anne Geraghty Helms
Thanks to these great attorneys for their continued support of our work!
You can join them with a donation to Chicago Appleseed. We’re over half the way to meeting an anonymous donor match of $40,000 for our end of the year fundraising campaign.