We envision a world where justice is driven by community and not by the government. We believe that public buy-in to this system is the first step in reducing the harms of a fundamentally inaccessible and unfair system; our work aims to reinforce the fact that courts are a branch of government that constituents have the ability to change.
Every time you donate to Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts, you help us bridge the gap between the public and the courts through collaborative, research-based advocacy and by offering education to communities on their rights as court users.
Thank you for supporting our mission.
Fund for Justice (d/b/a Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and recognized as a public charity. Our Federal tax exempt employer identification number is 23-7059214. Click here to view our most recent 990.
Visit our GuideStar profile to learn more more about our work and why you should support us.
Contact ali@chicagoappleseed.org with questions.