Parents, Communities, and Chicago Public Schools: A Promising Partnership

Long-struggling Chicago Public Schools may find promise in the prospect of partnering with parents and community organizations. Research has shown that parental and community involvement yields tremendous benefits for under-resourced schools, students, parents, and communities. And the concept has l...

Court Reform is Cost Reform

New Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle initially called for budget cuts of up to 21 percent, to combat a budget deficit of nearly 500 million dollars. In the last weeks of 2010, the Board president was still waiting for ideas from the Sheriff’s Office, the State’s Attorney, and the Clerk o...

A DREAM Deferred: Federal DREAM Act Fades in Lame Duck Congress

With student and adult protestors surrounding the Capitol, the Federal Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act died in Congress’s latest lame duck—albeit, unusually productive—session. Senate Democrats were unable to muster the 60 votes needed to invoke cloture—the procedure...

The Importance of Citizen Oversight of the Judiciary

The Iowa Independent reports that Doug Gross,—Iowan lawyer has served as a lobbyist and as a former advisor to Iowa Governor-elect Terry Branstad—has criticized the involvement of the Iowa Bar Association in judicial elections:“They’re elitists,” Gross said of the Bar Association in an interview wit...

The JPC’s Work Continues After the Election

For most of us, as the adrenaline rush of watching a close election wears off, we forget about the returns and put aside the research into candidates we did prior to the election. But at the Judicial Performance Commission (JPC), our work continues. All judges on the retention ballot were retained....
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