Chicago Sees Value of Coordinated Criminal Justice Approach

The marijuana ordinance to be voted on next week represents a remarkable step toward a coordinated criminal justice system. The proposed ordinance would reduce the penalty for small amounts of marijuana possession from a $1500 fine and up to 6 months in jail to a ticket in the amount of $100 to $500...

Protecting Fair Courts in a Citizens United World — Blogging the Forum

Thanks to everyone who came out! The forum was a great success with stimulating discussion about a critical issue facing our courts. We hope to post a video of the forum in the near future with the help of CANTV. 5:03 pm Mr. Skaggs on merit selection: Politics intrudes on the appointment process a...

Research Capsule: State of the Science of Pretrial Assessment

Article: State of the Science of Pretrial Assessment (pdf) March, 2011 Author / Publication: Cynthia A. Mamalian, PhD -- Bureau of Justice Assistance Summary: "The most important decision that is made with respect to a newly arrested defendant is whether to release that defendant into the communit...

Cook County Circuit Court Elects 9 Qualified & Well Qualified Associate Judges

The Cook County Circuit Court elected 9 new associate judges, all of whom were found qualified or well qualified by our affiliate, Chicago Council of Lawyers. Associate judges have the same authority as all other circuit court judges, although their salary is slightly lower. Associate Judges are ele...

Featured Resource:

While we don't normally write about public finance, we support any efforts to increase government transparency. Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer's Open Pensions website does just this. Commissioner Gainer is chairwoman of the County's pension oversight committee. The site addresses an import...
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