Judicial Discretion in Cook County’s Problem-Solving Courts

Cook County’s problem-solving courts (PSCs) are specialized diversion courts that work with accused people whose mental health conditions and/or substance usage may have contributed to their arrests. The PSCs include Drug Treatment Courts, Veterans Treatment Courts, and Mental Health Courts; in othe...

Getting and Posting Bond for Incarcerated Immigrants Increasingly Difficult 

The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse published a new report last month analyzing the latest immigration court records including 19,000 bond hearings this year, showing how outcomes for incarcerated immigrants seeking release on bond varied widely between states.  Overall, the national a...

Support for SB 1478: Right to Counsel for Youth in Foster Care

Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts supports SB 1478, a bill sponsored by Illinois State Senator Gillespie and Representative Collins that amends the Juvenile Court Act to establish a statutory right to counsel for youth in DCFS care. Illinois is one of only 7 states that does not guarantee...