Illinois Supreme Court Amendment to Rule 23 – A Necessary Change

On November 20, the Illinois Supreme Court amended Illinois Supreme Court Rule 23. Rule 23 originally allowed reviewing courts in Illinois to issue decisions as unpublished orders if the ruling does not establish law (is not precedential). The amendment to Rule 23 will now allow these unpublished or...

Illinois HB 163: Criminal Justice Omnibus

UPDATED: On January 13, 2020, the Illinois General Assembly voted to pass HB 3653, an amended version of HB 163, including the Pretrial Fairness Act (SFA2) which ends money bond. The Governor is expected to sign the legislation. Click here for more on the bill that passed. The criminal justic...

Testimony: Budget for Black Lives

The only way to reduce harm for Cook County's Black and Brown communities is by investing in resources and programs that help people thrive. Even with budget crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic, these investments are possible if Cook County commits to making significant divestments from Cook Cou...