Links of Interest

What We Read, October 24-28, 2011 Criminal Justice Court Reform: Special Rapporteur Juan Méndez  addressed the announced that U.N. General Assembly in New York,  discussing how solitary confinement violates the United Nations Convention against Torture. A link to his full report is available here...

More incarceration does not equal less crime.

The ACLU posted a fascinating infographic this week. The above graphic compares the change incarceration rates and the change in crime rates from 1999 to 2009. Illinois' prison population has skyrocketed since 1970, but has not grown considerably in the past decade, as illustrated by this chart pr...

Diversion Works.

That's the undisputed message in the most comprehensive study of diversionary drug courts ever completed. The Urban Institute, the Center for Court Innovation, and RTI International, conducted the multi-volume study, “The Multi-Site Adult Drug Court Evaluation." Researchers evaluated 23 drug courts...

Links of Interest

What We Read, June 20-24, 2011 Immigration Reform: The US has modified its Immigration policy by raising the immigration threshold and shifting its deportation focus to immigrants who are charged with serious crimes. This switch is consistent with Chicago Appleseed and Appleseed's recommendations...