Links of Interest for the Week — May 20, 2011

Immigration Court Reform: Human Rights Watch presented testimony to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary about reducing the immigration court backlog through decreasing transfers and providing counsel. Criminal Justice Reform: Chicago Appleseed does not work in the area of prison reform but sev...

Diversion Court a Must for Justice and Economy

This article originally appeared at the Huffington Post. Imagine a program that saves Cook County at least $20 million per year while reducing crime, incarceration, and unemployment. This is no fantasy -- it's called diversion court, and Cook County can and should implement it right away. Last fal...

How Court-Watching Supports Our Work

To support its mission of research-based advocacy, Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice operates several court-watching programs. Court-watching serves Appleseed’s dual purposes of research and advocacy particularly well and is a central component of all our research into how the courts are functionin...

NAACP President and Staunch Conservative Norquist Promote Prison Reform(!)

NAACP President Benjamin Jealous and fierce anti-tax and conservative advocate Grover Norquist have been doing a media tour recently to debate prison reform. The surprise? They’re on the same side of the debate. Jealous and Norquist, who leads the fiscally ultra-conservative group Americans for Tax...

Diversion Division: A Remedy for Racially Disproportionate Drug Enforcement

This post originally appeared at the Huffington Post. In Illinois last week, a statutorily mandated, unbiased committee, the Disproportionate Justice Impact Study (DJIS) Commission, reported the latest evidence confirming a long-held suspicion -- that the war on drugs undermines African American...