Links of Interest: September 17-28, 2012

Elections and Judicial Performance Constitution Law Prof Blog discusses the 7th Circuit case upholding Illinois's campaign finance disclosure law which we blogged about this week. Bloomberg reported that a Montana law making it a crime for political parties to endorse candidates in state judic...

Donor Diversity through Public Matching Funds

In May, the Brennan Center for Justice and the Campaign Finance Institute released a report on how public financing improves diversity of small donors and changes how candidates view potential donors and potential constituents. The report’s authors note that the data set is rather small, but the tre...

Summer 2012 Updates on Money and Elections

United States v. Danielcyzk At the end of June, the Fourth Circuit Court decided on United States v. Danielcyzk (.pdf), a case that is important with regards to campaign finance disclosure. The Circuit court decision upholds the current federal ban on corporate contributions that is located in the...

Protecting Fair Courts in a Citizens United World — Blogging the Forum

Thanks to everyone who came out! The forum was a great success with stimulating discussion about a critical issue facing our courts. We hope to post a video of the forum in the near future with the help of CANTV. 5:03 pm Mr. Skaggs on merit selection: Politics intrudes on the appointment process a...

Links of Interest

What we read this week, March 19-23, 2012   Judicial Elections and Judiciary Reform: There have been a number of good pieces on PAC money in elections and the Citizens United decision lately. In  case you missed it, back in December, Montana’s Supreme Court upheld (.pdf) Montana’s ban on politica...