Court-Watching Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in court-watching for the Chicago Appleseed and Chicago Council of Lawyers Court Observation & Education Program (COEP). Once you submit this form, a staff member will reach out shortly via email to set up a training session and answer questions.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. First name *
2. Last name *
3. Pronouns *
E.g. they/them, she/her, he/him
4. Email address *
Would you like to court-watch in person, virtually, or both?

(Court-watching takes place Monday-Friday on weekdays)
5. Which of the following describe you?
Select all that apply.
6. How do you identify your gender? *
7. How do you identify your race/ethnicity? *
Select all that apply.
8. In what year were you born? *
9. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
Our goal is to foster a community of court-watchers with a wide range of experiences and perspectives. No one's observations are valued more on account of their education or work experience.
10. How did you hear about our court-watching program? *
11. Do you have any accessibility issues that may prevent you from being able to court-watch in-person or virtually as needed?  *
We are happy to accommodate your specific needs. Some volunteers have opted to code narratives or write blog posts as a supplement or replacement for their court-watching.
12. Is there anything about your interests or experience that you would like us to know?
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This form was created inside of Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts (Fund for Justice).

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