City of Chicago Crowdsources Ethics Reform

At you’ll find a growing debate among Chicagoans about how to address ethics problems that have plagued the city for years. The discussion board style site currently lists three topical forums: What ethics related requirement or reform would stre...

Links of Interest

What We Read, January 16-20 2012  Criminal Justice: A Chicago Reporter investigation reveals that a strategy to crack down on gun crimes is disproportionately affecting 15-16 year olds.   Cook County Board President Preckwinkle announced that the Judicial Advisory Council will conduct...

Illinois Asset Building Group Launches New Website

The Illinois Asset Building Group, of which Chicago Appleseed is a member, unveiled a new website this week. Be sure to check it out at: An excerpt from their launch email explains the site features: Asset Building Blog: our blog will provide a space for IAB...

Links of Interest

What We Read, January 9-13, 2012   Elections: Gapers Block reports on the first and second public hearing over the Ward re-mapping.   Criminal Justice and Criminal Court Reform: Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has called for a study of the bail bond system in Cook County   Imm...

Interview with Center for Court Innovation Director, Greg Berman

I recently conducted an interview with Center for Court Innovation Director and co-founder, Greg Berman for the University of Chicago's policy publication, The Chicago Policy Review. You can read the whole interview here. An excerpt is below: Why should we be concerned about effective and effici...