Illinois Payday Loan Reform Takes Hold

Illinois’ payday loan and consumer installment loan laws, the Consumer Installment Loan Act and the Payday Loan Reform Act (collectively referred to as CILA / PLRA), have taken effect. This is exciting news for a state that has "more payday loan stores than McDonald's," according to a 2004 statement...

How Court-Watching Supports Our Work

To support its mission of research-based advocacy, Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice operates several court-watching programs. Court-watching serves Appleseed’s dual purposes of research and advocacy particularly well and is a central component of all our research into how the courts are functionin...

Links of Interest for April 18-22, 2010

Criminal Justice Court Reform The Supreme Court heard argument in Tapia v. United States (10-5400) on the question of whether a district court may give a defendant a longer prison sentence to promote rehabilitation. SCotUSblog has documents and an argument recap. Questions of rehabilitation, recid...

NAACP President and Staunch Conservative Norquist Promote Prison Reform(!)

NAACP President Benjamin Jealous and fierce anti-tax and conservative advocate Grover Norquist have been doing a media tour recently to debate prison reform. The surprise? They’re on the same side of the debate. Jealous and Norquist, who leads the fiscally ultra-conservative group Americans for Tax...

What We Read, April 11-15, 2011

Each week, we round-up the links which were of interest to staff at Chicago Appleseed this week. Monica Youn’s (Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law)  testimony before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on “The Fair...