The Importance of Citizen Oversight of the Judiciary

The Iowa Independent reports that Doug Gross,—Iowan lawyer has served as a lobbyist and as a former advisor to Iowa Governor-elect Terry Branstad—has criticized the involvement of the Iowa Bar Association in judicial elections:“They’re elitists,” Gross said of the Bar Association in an interview wit...

The JPC’s Work Continues After the Election

For most of us, as the adrenaline rush of watching a close election wears off, we forget about the returns and put aside the research into candidates we did prior to the election. But at the Judicial Performance Commission (JPC), our work continues. All judges on the retention ballot were retained....

Next Steps For The Performance Commission

The Judicial Performance Commission has released the results of its evaluation of the judicial retention candidates. Of the 69 judges listed on the retention ballot in the November election, the JPC has found only three not recommended for retention: Judge Dorothy Jones, Judge Jeffrey Lawrence, and...

Judicial Perfomance Commission Nears Completion of Evaluation

The Judicial Performance Commission of Cook County Pilot Project has nearly completed the evaluation phase of the project. Following an appeals process for those judges who have not been recommended for retention, the recommendations will be released to the public in mid-September for their referenc...