Elections and Judicial Integrity

Last week, the Sun-Times ran a piece about the new pension-reform law, examining the overlap judicial election campaign contributors and pension-stakeholders, in the context of a potential lawsuit challenging the pension-reform law. The piece raises some important questions of how judicial campaign...

Appleseed on Chicago Tonight Dec. 16

Last night I had the great experience of representing Chicago Appleseed on the PBS' Chicago Tonight program, discussing recent attempts by Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and the Illinois Supreme Court's to control the Cook County Jail Population and improve out pre-trial process. The l...

An Open Letter from Community-Based Service Providers

You may be aware that the Chicago Transit Authority  will end its program to help ex-offenders gain work experience cleaning rail cars and buses on Dec. 31. We received the following “open letter” from the John Howard Association of Illinois this morning, urging that the program be saved. At Chicag...