An Open Letter from Community-Based Service Providers

You may be aware that the Chicago Transit Authority  will end its program to help ex-offenders gain work experience cleaning rail cars and buses on Dec. 31. We received the following “open letter” from the John Howard Association of Illinois this morning, urging that the program be saved. At Chicag...
Seal of Cook County, Illinois

Improving Justice for Women Through Diversion Forum on December 20th

On December 20th, Illinois Supreme Court Justice Ann M. Burke, along with the Cook County Justice Advisory Council, the Community Renewal Society, and others, are presenting a forum on a proposed law enforcement-led initiative to divert women, who would otherwise be arrested for prostitution, into s...

Texas Expands Discipline Options for its Commission on Judicial Performance

Yesterday was an off-year election and few state and local ballot measures generated much national interest. However, there was an interesting judicial ballot initiative: Proposition 9 in Texas to amended the state constitution to expand the actions available to the Texas State Commission on Judicia...

Fall Fundraising Campaign

We're preparing to launch our end of the year fundraising campaign and we hope you will support our work. This list of accomplishments shows what your donation allows us to do. You can contribute online or through the mail using our reply form. If you would like to provide pro bono assistance, we...