Does Race or Gender Influence Professional Judgement?

Cross-posted at Huffington Post. Does race or gender influence decision-making among members of the most respected professions? Several recent, high-profile studies conclude that, yes, even scientists, doctors, and judges are vulnerable to such unconscious bias. In a recent, widely discussed study...

Links of Interest, October 22-26

Elections and Judicial Performance The Supreme Court upheld a Montana law setting donation limits to candidates for state office. SCOTUS blog has a rundown.   Criminal Justice Liz Watson and Peter Edelman at the Georgetown Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy released a report...

Update: ILP v. Madigan

The Seventh Circuit has just issued an order (.pdf download) denying plaintiffs’-appellants’ motion for injunction pending appeal and affirming the district court’s denial of a preliminary injunction in ILP v. Madigan.  The two page order states simply that the three-judge panel at the Seventh Circu...

Update: ILP v Madigan

Back in September, in a partnership with the Campaign Legal Center and the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, Chicago Appleseed filed an amicus brief in support of Illinois' campaign contribution limits in the Northern District of Illinois case, ILP v Madigan. ILP (the Illinois Liberty PAC) and...