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Support for HB 3665: The Joe Coleman Medical Release Act

PUBLISHED: March 2021 UPDATE: May 2021 - The Joe Coleman Medical Release Act (HB 3665) passed both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly and now awaits the signature of the Governor. Click here for more information. The Joe Coleman Medical Release Act (HB 3665), introduced by Represent...

Announcing the Launch of the Chicago Data Collaborative

Seven Chicago Organizations Launch Criminal Justice Database The newly formed Chicago Data Collaborative unites media, advocacy, and tech groups to investigate Chicago’s criminal justice system via cooperative data sharing Contact information: Rick Tulsky, (510) 295-5832, ricktulsky@injusticewatc...

Medicaid Expansion and the Access to Community Treatment Court

The fate of the Affordable Care Act and the Medicaid expansion, is uncertain. Illinois was one of the first states to embrace the Medicaid expansion in 2013, and it was instrumental in supporting the Access to Community Treatment court, a project of Chicago Appleseed. The Access to Community Treatm...

REPORT: 10 Facts about Pretrial Electronic Monitoring in Cook County

Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts and the Chicago Council of Lawyers have released a report, 10 Facts about Pretrial Electronic Monitoring in Cook County, which catalogs data-based facts about the Cook County Sheriff’s Electronic Monitoring (EM) Program to help the public understand the...

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