Launching our online merchandise shop!

We are so excited to announce the launch of our online store! Help support our work by publicizing our mission while you're out and about and by gifting our merchandise to your friends. Go to to shop available products, such as Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair C...

Commitment to Justice Awards

Join Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts and the Chicago Council of Lawyers on Thursday, June 8, 2023, we will gather at the Ivy Room (12 East Ohio Street, Chicago) for our annual Commitment to Justice Awards to honor community and pro bono partners who have shown extraordinary commitments to r...

Summer 2019: Violence was down and Homicides were at their lowest in five years

Now that October has come and the summer is decidedly over, policy makers and journalists alike are engaging in a yearly, grim calculus: How bad was the gun violence in Chicago this summer? Did it get worse? Is it getting better? And most importantly, why? This summer, however, has been unusually p...
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