Supreme Court Commission Offers Chance For Real and Substantial Reform

Co-written with Malcolm Rich, Executive Director, Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice Two major events will affect the future of criminal justice in Cook County: One is the Illinois Supreme Court’s second meeting bringing together the heads of critical departments to discuss improvements in informat...

How Illinois Supreme Court Intervention Can Help Cook County

How Illinois Supreme Court Intervention Can Help Cook County In response to President Preckwinkle’s letter to the Illinois Supreme Court, Chief Justice Thomas Kilbride has answered, proposing a meeting of the major criminal justice stakeholders and a conference of regional and national experts to d...

Does Race or Gender Influence Professional Judgement?

Cross-posted at Huffington Post. Does race or gender influence decision-making among members of the most respected professions? Several recent, high-profile studies conclude that, yes, even scientists, doctors, and judges are vulnerable to such unconscious bias. In a recent, widely discussed study...

At 2012 Annual Meeting, Honorees Call for Criminal Justice Reform, Diversion

Speaking to over two hundred fifty lawyers hailing from across the city and legal disciplines this Wednesday, Assistant State's Attorney Kim Foxx contrasted the juvenile justice system with the adult criminal justice system. ASA Foxx, a ten-year veteran of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office...
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